The only lazy way left to make a fortune as a copywriter!

"The Greatest Copywriting Secret Never Told"

If you're struggling to write 8, 12, 24 or 36-page sales letters - and you're looking for a FASTER, EASIER and MORE PROFITABLE way to make six figures or more per year as a copywriter then what I am now going to reveal to you may come as a HUGE and very WELCOME surprise.

Dear Copywriter,

Each day I sit before a keyboard and write emails that are 400-600 words in length. Most of these emails are written in about 10-12 minutes. Most of them are written without correction. I don't re-read what I write. I don't edit. I just write and hit send.

Minutes later, my email list receives one of my daily zingers, and the money starts flowing into my business almost as easily as my next inhale and exhale.

What does this have to do with YOU? A lot.

Let me set the stage: My name is Matt Furey and I am a multi-millionaire. And the grand majority of the money I have made has come directly from email copywriting. The best marketers on this planet consider me to be the world's greatest email copywriter. The list of seasoned professional writers and copywriters who read my emails, rave about them and get ideas from them - is long indeed. This list includes names like Dan Kennedy, Michael Masterson, David Deutsch, Katie Yeakle, Steve Chandler, Barry Eisler and so on.

Okay, so what's this got to do with you?
Matt Furey, the Emperor of Email™

Well, three years ago I put 9 people in a room at $10,000 each and began to teach them my unique approach to email copywriting. Only one person in the room had any copywriting experience - and he wasn't making a fortune with his emails.

The others in the room were total greenhorns. They had never written copy before. Not one line.

Nevertheless, I promised these people three things:
1. Writing email copy is easy. It is NOT hard work.

2. I can teach you how to write fabulous email copy inside of 48 hours.

3. You will make a fortune if you do what I say.

They were scared to death when we started - but 48 hours later???

When the email copywriting workshop began, the attendees were scared. They heard me say that I could teach them how to write great email copy within 48 hours. They heard me say it was easy. And they heard me say they could make big bucks with this extraordinary skill.

But they didn't believe me.

And why should they? Afterall, to date, they had been repeatedly told that it takes 1,000 hours of practice just to reach a level of competency as a sales letter writer. And this is true for most people.

It was NOT, however, true for me - and there are a number of important reasons why. And those reasons were precisely what I downloaded into the minds of the 9 people attending my workshop.

Number one, I had to instill a belief in these people that they could learn a highly desirable skill inside of 48 hours. Number two, I had to be able to teach them the skill so that they could go out and make 10 times what they paid for the event very quickly.

Here's what happened:

• Everyone in the seminar got very, very good at writing emails by noon of the second day. In fact, they were so good that I told them I could end the seminar right then and there, and they would have already gotten full value. Everyone agreed.

• One attendee, my 55-year old brother, Sean, had already begun writing emails for a couple of online businesses. He charged $8,000 to write daily emails for one business and $6,000 for another. And he wrote these emails almost as fast as me. Most emails took him about 18 minutes to write. He easily made over $100,000 his first year, right out of the gate. He had no trouble finding clients either - because most online businesses don't have an email copywriter - or a daily email. And the proof that your income will double or triple in direct proportion to how often you email your list is staggering.

• Six others began writing emails for their own businesses, and their income exploded. One man became a multi-millionaire, mostly because of the very method I taught at this event.

• Two attendees, a husband-and-wife team, got into a jewelry business a year later, and to my knowledge, they don't bother sending emails. At any rate, getting 7 out of 9 people to make money with a skill they learned in 48 hours is a pretty good batting average, don't you think?

Since that date I have had dozens of requests to do another workshop on The Furey Method for Making a Fortune With Email. I have been asked by seasoned copywriters and beginning copywriters - as well as total newbies. I have almost always refused because I have enough to do with my other events - most of which are private closed-door workshops.

But now, thanks to the pressure applied by David Deutsch, I am going to release the CDs from the workshop I held three years ago - CDs that a select few paid $5,000.00 to receive. I'll tell you how you can get these CDs for less than that amount in a minute, but first, a bit more about my brother, Sean.

"I Taught My 55-Year Old Brother How to Make Six Figures a Year Writing Emails (in his spare time) - and NOW I'm Going to Teach YOU"

My brother, Sean, is 55 years young. For more than 30 years he wanted to make money as a writer. In 1971, when I was eight years old, he began to pursue this dream when he went to Mankato State University.

Shortly thereafter he got drafted. His college days ended almost as soon as they began. And for the next five years Sean was living in Army barracks in places like Frankfurt and Gelnhausen, Germany.

When Sean got out of the army he moved to Minneapolis and opened a restaurant called Just a Sin Away. It was named after an old Beatles song.

Although the food was incredible at this restaurant - the money wasn't coming in fast enough to pay the bills. It went belly up.

After this Sean worked in a variety of professions. He did well in all of them - but none of them left him feeling fulfilled. Although more than thirty years had passed by - deep within he still had a burning desire to express himself via the written word.

And YES, he didn't just want to write. He wanted to GET PAID for what he wrote.

The Life-Changing Phone Call

In the fall of 2004, when I was driving to a seminar in south Florida, I received a phone call from Sean. He told me that he'd like to learn how to write emails the way I do - and would like me to teach him.

This was no easy request coming from a brother who is ten years older. Even so, Sean knew I was making millions of dollars per year writing simple emails. He also knew that some heavy hitters, marketing legends like Dan Kennedy, Michael Masterson and so on - regarded me very highly when it came to email copywriting.

He knew that many consider me "the world's greatest email copywriter." And so, Sean figured if there was a guy to learn from - even if it someone you refer to as "your younger brother," - you take the time to learn from him.

And that's exactly what Sean did.

I started him out as a sort of "apprentice."

He wrote daily emails for me. I looked them over and began to hack away at them. In Sean's own words, "My emails came back to me bloodied and battered - with cross-outs, expletives and the like."

As you can imagine, when younger brother did this to older brother, it wasn't always warmly received. Or welcome.

But Sean hung in there. Despite a number of verbal wars - within a few weeks of me ripping him to shreds, he was writing stellar emails. They were so good, in fact, that no one could tell WHO wrote them. Many of his emails were sent to my lists at and

Everyone thought I was writing the emails Sean wrote because he followed what I teach with brilliant precision. He then found his own voice and a reservoir of humor within - and began to coin words like "Lardassians" that became instant hits with my customers.

A few months later word got out that Sean Furey was writing kick-ass money-drenching emails for his brother.

The apprenticeship ended

As word traveled - numerous business owners hired Sean to write their daily emails. His first client paid him a whopping $8,000.00 per month. Others followed suit - offering and paying even more than that because the response rates he was getting for them went through the roof. Two businesses doubled their profits in short order. Another said their sales went up over 400%.

As a result of the success Sean created for others, within 12 months of learning how to write email copy, he was making an EASY six figures per year.

The $10,000.00 per plate event

Well, six months after Sean became a six-figure freelancer - I held the small workshop I mentioned earlier - wherein, for the first-time ever, I taught my unique email copywriting system to people outside "the family." I charged $10,000.00 per person for the 2-day event.

The only people I offered the event to were those in my MasterMind coaching program - so no one else even heard about it. Nine of the 12 members I had at the time attended - and the results were nothing short of phenomenal.

Within two days of teaching the attendees how to write email copy the "Furey Way" - they were putting words on paper that made me laugh, cry and take out my wallet to buy their products.

None of the attendees were any different than you before the event began. They were just small business owners who believed me when I told them that the secret to mega riches online was in learning how to write stunning emails - and that I could teach them how to write incredible email copy inside of 48 hours.

Write Kick-Ass Emails Inside of 20 Minutes - On Command

The kicker for them was that I had them writing these power-house emails inside of 15-20 minutes.

That's right. They didn't receive an assignment to be done when they "got around to it." I taught them what to do - I gave them my expectations, then I gave an assignment.

Upon giving the assignment I would look at my watch and say, "You have 20 minutes. GO!"

I didn't give them any time to "think about it." Nor did I allow any excuses. And before noon of the second day, everyone in the room, regardless of how BAD he was when he started, was writing truly awesome email copy.

Now, here's the most important piece of the puzzle: What happened AFTER the event?

I'm happy to report that everyone who attended the event started making money with emails. A little over a year ago I reported that eight of the nine who attended had made money with their emails - but I recently heard through the grapevine that the other person had done so as well.

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Recordings of the Event Previously Un-Available

Chances are excellent you may be wondering if I recorded the event. Well, the truth is that I did - BUT, since I held this workshop, with very, very, very few exceptions, the only people who got recordings of the event were the attendees themselves.

And those FEW exceptions who did receive recordings of the event paid $5,000.00 for them.

One of the people who "crashed the gate" and got a copy of the CDs is Ryan Lee - a man whose made millions on the Internet. Last December I let him acquire a copy and he listened to them straight through, without stopping, on a drive from Florida to Virginia. He couldn't turn them off - that's how good he said they were.

As a result of listening to the CDs - Ryan told me he "doubled his sales." Back in December of last year, here's what he initially wrote me:
Hey Matt,

Thanks again for letting me purchase your email course. Awesome stuff that got me through a 13 hour car ride today! I listened to your email marketing course from start to finish in one marathon sitting. I can tell you, without a doubt, there were some specific pieces of information I learned that will add - at least - another seven figures to my income. I already started to implement your concepts and profits have gone up in the first 24 hours."

Ryan Lee

WHy do it the hard way

Just as I taught a room full of people how to write riveting copy within 48 hours, just as I taught my brother how to do it so no one could tell the difference between us - and just as I've helped him and many others earn an easy six figures per year with email - I can now help YOU do so as well.

Before I tell you about the amazing offer I have for you, let me make three promises that I made in similar fashion to those who previously attended my workshop on email copywriting.

My 3 Promises

1. Writing copy is easy. It is NOT hard work.

2. By listening to the CDs from this program and following my instructions, you can instantly begin to learn how to write fabulous email copy. Like those in the workshop, you can learn to do it within 48 hours.

3. If you do what I say and stick with it - you can make a fortune. If you deviate and do it your own way - all bets are off.

Here's the bottom line:

Alright, I've kept you in suspense long enough. Here's the bottom line.

The truth is I could price the original CDs from The Furey Method for Making a Fortune With Email workshop for $5,000.00 per set. I also realize I would be totally fair and justified if I made them available to you now for only $2,500.00.

But I'm not going to charge you $5,000.00 or $2,500.00 to get these life-changing CDs on how you can make a six figure fortune - with ease - by taking 20 minutes or so a day to write emails.

Here's what I'm prepared to do: I've agreed to let 300 sets of this program out of the bag for the ridiculously low amount of $995.00 plus $10 S&H U.S. And after these 300 sets are sold, this offer will no longer exist. So you must act immediately to make sure you get in on this opportunity to rocket launch yourself to the next level.

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Special Bonus Offer

Here's something else that is unprecedented. A year ago I did a workshop entitled Zero Resistance Writing™. In this event I taught my unique mental approach that helps me get ready to write extraordinary copy.

For example:

I taught ways to shatter negative beliefs you may have about your ability to write money making copy.

• I taught how to put yourself into an altered state of consciousness before you write - so that everything flows out of you like water over Niagara Falls.

I showed how to rid yourself of writer's block.

• I showed how to make a quantum shift in your self-image - a leap that catapults you into the future right where you want to be.

I demonstrated how easy it is to "find you own voice."

• And I explained how attracting money and clients is a lot easier than you've ever considered before.

This special workshop has NEVER been made available before. And the fact is, if I were to price it based upon the value it contains - it would easily exceed the fee for the program you're already getting.

Even so, I want to make my offer to you IRRESISTIBLE. That's why I'm going to give it to you absolutely FREE if you're one of the first 99 people to say "YES" to The Furey Method for Making a Fortune With Email.

Stop Struggling, Start Living

I know I can have you writing great email copy, even if you've never written copy before... even if you think you don't have the talent or skill.

In addition to that, there's something important that I want to tell you that I told the people who attended my previous event two years ago, and I'll tell it to YOU now.

It is this: If you can talk, I can teach you how to write killer email copy that makes you $100,000 or more per year. Guaranteed.

Order now and change the way money flows to you, forever.


Matt Furey
Zen Master of the Internet®

P.S. Anyone who can take on the task of teaching his older brother how to write incredible email copy - and survive - has one helluva program. The truth is that teaching my brother, Sean, was FAR, FAR harder than teaching anyone else. It was rough on both of us. The good news is that when I'm teaching you, there won't be any little-brother/big-brother issues to contend with. You'll simply tune in and listen - and the results you get from following what both Sean and I do will astound you.

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